What does it mean?

Comparable to classical tantra mandalas, the images of light energy are mediators of subtle energies. In the process of perception, the viewer enters the colored light fields, resonates and thus comes to a subtle and holistic experience.

The energy images are ordered, so they can consist of concentric circular formations that have different zones: the outer, middle and inner area.

Here they correspond to various tantra teachings about consciousness: the perception of so-called external appearances, psychic experiences and the most subtle spiritual energies.

Diaphan, i.e. with transparent simultaneity, these different levels of painting allow the entirety of the image field to emerge and result in the conscious perception of the different levels in a dynamic process that becomes an existential experience of being.

The viewer and the image, initially understood as a duality, merge through mindful perception to form an energetic event.

The pictures are created or, better, develop in a very slow process, step by step, transparent layer by layer. In this great slowness, the painter moves into a state largely outside of time.

In these "open time spaces" - on average he works intensively on a picture for 3-4 months - he climbs deeper and deeper into the growing events through this process of mindful work, layer by layer. He is noticeably less the one who acts independently, but rather the impulse following that usually appears in meditation. During these periods of time his whole life becomes more and more the mandala of this picture.

So all experiences of nature, light-clouds-sky-tree-water-ice-birdsong and all spiritual beings ... become decisive helpers and co-creators in this energetic painting process, so all psychic processes, dreams, conversations, encounters flow into it and then become stronger and stronger the purely energetic-spiritual "impulses".

The maturation process progresses to the holistic merging of all levels of action. During this period of maturity, the increasingly clear, effective content reveals itself and expresses itself - up to a term e.g. grace, awakening, resurrection, cosmic man.